I think it’s a must… You can really incorporate it into your practice, and I think if you’re a practice that really wants to go that extra mile and really enhance that patient care and really take care of them during their treatments. It really is just a nice integrated approach to have… I couldn’t do without it now.
Dr Alex Davies
Admire Dentistry, Arana Hills QLD.We use the MLS® laser in our surgery for our craniofacial pain patients, for patients post-surgery, and we use it quite extensively in orthodontic treatment… This is a device with enormous amounts of clinical research to support its use… it’s a crucial part of what I use in my practice every day in the treatment of patients.
Dr. Darryl Moses
Align Dental, Sydney NSW.The MLS® laser is a two-wavelength laser. It helps decrease pain and inflammation on the area that we apply the laser. We use it every day in our treatments. It’s our workhorse. I can’t see patients without it. And the MLS® Laser is a very good practice-builder. We use it for cold sores, orthodontics and pain, especially for jaw joint and neck pain. There’s no other laser treatments that give that kind of result.
Dr. Louis Chan
My Dental Care, Meadowbank, NSWThe most common thing I use it for is craniofacial pain. I also use it for a lot of general dental work, such as gum disease, for wisdom teeth extractions, root canal treatments. I use it for practically everything. This is the best thing you’ll ever invest in, …I would highly recommend it– it’s a standard thing you should have, just like the drill you have.
Dr. Manish Shah
Smile Concepts, Sydney, NSW.We use our laser as part of an overall process of treating the condition. We have tremendous success in reducing headache pain, getting better sleep and a better feeling of well-being. Using the laser means you can improve people’s outcomes and you can do it more effectively, so it seems a really important tool to use in a dental practice.
Dr. Paul Dixon
Dixon Dental Gympie, Qld.The MLS® laser is the backbone of my TMJ practice. We need something to get things moving quickly, and that’s where the MLS® laser comes in. If you’re serious about treating orofacial pain, it’s a must. You’ve got to have an MLS® laser. I can’t imagine practising without it. I’ve had other lasers, and this one by far and away is the best laser on the market. It’s the one that’s given me the best results.
Dr. Wally Hassoun
Optimal Caring Dentistry, Melbourne, VIC.This laser is user friendly with all protocols set for a myriad of dental conditions. I use it regularly and it has been welcomed by patients who have experienced pain relief and greater healing in many situations – post surgery, extractions, orthodontic adjustments and muscle tension relief. I highly recommend the MLS Laser for every dental practitioner.
Dr. Wei Ling McMillan
Principal Dentist/Director at Your Smile Dental- Lucio Zaghetto
Our work is based on a firm belief: great results are more important than great numbers. And we are proud to improve people’s quality of life through our medical equipment and therapeutic solutions that nowadays are widespread in over 50 countries in public and private practices and clinics.
President of ASAlaser
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