Webinar: Biometrics for improved patient care Part 2

    • EMG diagnostics and how we integrate with T-Scan during therapy

      Tuesday 20 April 2021
      7.30 pm – 8.30 pm AEST
      Presented by International Educator Dr. Mike Smith DMD; The Biting Edge, P.C. Family Dentistry

      Improved diagnostics is essential in determining the best course of care for the oral health of our patients. The 3-part web series will discuss how to improve diagnostics of the TM joint, muscles, and occlusion with the use of biometric technology.  This enables the doctor to determine the current condition of the jaw joint, muscles, and occlusion to identify specific disorders and determine treatment options to help the patient in the best possible way.

    • This webinar is Part 2 of a 3-Part web series.

      Understand the functioning of the muscles with EMG’s show what is needed to adapt the course of treatment to establish the best functioning position of the patient.

      Understand T-scan technology. This is a diagnostic and therapy tool, which makes it versatile and useful in all sorts of therapies and conditions. Knowing what the dots really mean, how they hit, how hard and when they hit is imperative in controlling force. Integrating T-scan with EMG’s improves occlusion and muscle activity management for improved health.


    • Webinar series: Biometrics for improved patient care

      1. Learn how to apply Joint Vibration Analysis, Jaw Tracking, EMG, T-Scan and MLS lasers into your general or specialty practice. Establishing a baseline of a patient’s current state should be the starting point of any kind of treatment.
      2. Identify the advantages of using Joint Vibration Analysis (JVA) as a base line diagnostic tool and how we can use it as a treatment verification indicator during our course of therapy. The motion of the movement of the jaw in function is a factor that gets misinterpreted or not diagnosed in many conditions.
      3. Explain and show how Jaw Tracking works to help us see what happens in ways we cannot see with the naked eye. Jaw tracking also helps us see the progress of the healing of the TM complex getting the patient functioning back into a normal range.
      4. Understand the functioning of the muscles with EMG’s show what is needed to adapt the course of treatment to establish the best functioning position of the patient.
      5. Explain T-scan technology. This is a diagnostic and therapy tool, which makes it versatile and useful in all sorts of therapies and conditions. Knowing what the dots really mean, how they hit, how hard and when they hit is imperative in controlling force.  Integrating T-scan with EMG’s improves occlusion and muscle activity management for improved health.
      6. The integration of MLS lasers to mange inflammation and speed healing gives us a unique advantage in treating all sorts of craniofacial conditions. This technology is a game changer in advanced healing modalities.
      • Presented by

        International Educator Dr. Mike Smith DMD

        The Biting Edge, P.C. Family Dentistry

        • Aesthetic, Contemporary Restorative,
        • Orthodontics & Cosmetic Rehabilitation
        • TMJ and Bite related problems


        • Clinical Mastery Series
        • Research and Advanced Studies


        Owner, The Biting Edge Lab