TMJ and orofacial pain
The MLS® Therapy is ideally suited to reduce pain and swelling in the muscles of mastication as part of the overall treatment of TMJD. The Mphi D has multiple built-in pre-sets dedicated to muscle groups including upper trapezius, sternocleidomastoid, masseter and temporalis.
Treatment may include shoulder and cervical pain and myofascial trigger point deactivation.
Soft Tissue and Oral Medicine
MLS® therapy reduces the pain of mucosal lesions and pathologies such as xerostomia, mucositis, oral lichen planus, burning mouth syndrome and denture stomatitis. It provides a definitive treatment for aphthous ulcers and HSV and decreases the recurrences of such lesions and can prevent exacerbation if caught in the early stages.
This laser is user friendly with all protocols set for a myriad of dental conditions. I use it regularly and it has been welcomed by patients who have experienced pain relief and greater healing in many situations – post surgery, extractions, orthodontic adjustments and muscle tension relief. I highly recommend the MLS Laser for every dental practitioner.
Dr. Wei Ling McMillan
Principal Dentist/Director at Your Smile Dental
Oral surgery and extractions
The anti-pain and anti-oedema effects of MLS® therapy can be used in association with oral surgery and tooth extractions. Using the laser promotes the reduction of post-operative pain, reducing the need for analgesics as well as reducing post-operative oedema.
The laser can also be used to promote increased circulation for faster healing, better new bone formation and overall accelerated wound healing including reducing the probability of a dry socket.
The laser can also be used to achieve a significant reduction in pain associated with dry socket alveolitis and the stimulation of fibroblasts for the production of an epithelial layer in the socket.
The MLS® therapy can also be used to stimulate the immune system and bring neutrophils to the site of an infection for faster healing.
Prosthodontics and Restorative
MLS® therapy can be used to produce analgesia for small tooth preparations and crown cementations reducing the use of local anaesthetic in these cases. It can also promote faster uptake and elimination of anaesthetic.
The laser reduces pain and swelling after longer appointments, reduces postoperative sensitivity and promotes the production of secondary dentine in deep restorative situations.
It is also extremely effective in deprogramming TMJ and masseter muscles to allow accurate bite registrations.
MLS therapy has been shown to enhance bone formation around newly placed implants using the built-in biostimulation mode.
It can also be used to effectively reduce the pain and swelling after implant insertion.
MLS® Therapy is an ideal adjunct to Root Canal Treatment. It reduces post-operative pain and inflammation, reduces the need for post-operative analgesics as well as stimulating the immune system when infection is present. The biostimulation effects of the therapy can be used post endodontic surgery to promote healing.
Dentine and Root Hypersensitivity
MLS® Therapy works effectively on dentine sensitivity. It treats pulpitis in hypersensitive teeth by reducing the conduction of pain, simulating endorphins and reducing inflammation as well as promoting healing. The same effects can be used to help treat cervical root sensitivity at the CEJ.
MLS® Therapy can be used for periodontics. It reduces pain and swelling associated with gingivitis and periodontal disease and promotes healing in periodontal sockets post-treatment. Use the laser in cases of periodontal abscess to increase lymphatic flow and stimulate wound healing. In association with scaling procedures, the therapy reduces root sensitivity during treatment and relieves pain and promotes healing post-treatment.
MLS® therapy can be used to assist in three areas of orthodontic treatment. It reduces the intensity of pain associated with tooth movement and separator insertion. It increases the speed of tooth movement, increases the speed of suture release and promotes faster orthodontic extrusion resulting in shorter treatment phases. Finally, it reduces pain associated with orthodontic treatment.
The MLS® laser is the backbone of my TMJ practice. We need something to get things moving quickly, and that’s where the MLS® laser comes in. If you’re serious about treating orofacial pain, it’s a must. You’ve got to have an MLS® laser. I can’t imagine practising without it. I’ve had other lasers, and this one by far and away is the best laser on the market. It’s the one that’s given me the best results.
Dr. Wally Hassoun
Optimal Caring Dentistry, Melbourne, VIC.
- Nerve Regeneration: Improve nerve healing after traumatic damage or severing associated with oral surgery
- Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaws: Adjunctive treatment of MRON lesions
- Nausea and Gagging: Decreased nausea and gagging
- Facial Palsy: Faster recovery form paralysis; an effective adjunct treatment to exercise therapy
- Implants: Reduction of pain after surgery and faster integration of implant through biostimulation
- Sinusitis: Help to drain the sinus and reduce the pain of sinusitis.
- Neuralgia: Pain reduction in trigeminal and lingual neuralgias
- Facial pain: Reduction in facial pain associated with tension headaches, cervical arthrosis, temporal tendinitis
- Vertigo and tinnitus: Improved outcomes for vertigo and tinnitus
How does the Mphi D compare to other therapeutic lasers?
The MLS laser is a much higher power than earlier generation therapeutic lasers and this means a significant improvement in treatment outcomes and at a much shorter duration and fewer treatment sessions. In addition, the MLS system uses a true super-pulsed laser in contrast to other therapeutic lasers. This means that even the high power of the MLS beam is pulsed on and off so quickly that it never causes heating or damage to tissues; it is a genuine ‘cold laser’. In addition, the MLS dental laser is supplied with three pairs of laser safety goggles, safety signs, marketing materials and patient brochures.
I already have a cutting laser, what does the Mphi D laser do that my current laser can’t?
Cutting lasers are not suitable for therapeutic use i.e., treating pain, swelling, inflammation, biostimulation.
Cutting lasers are optimised to deliberately damage tissue. The wavelength used has no therapeutic benefits and even when not cutting will heat tissues to unacceptable levels or ablate the tissue.
The Mphi laser is designed only to deliver therapeutic effects without damaging tissues by using appropriate wavelengths, frequency pulse rate and power levels.I’ve never used a therapeutic laser before; how would I know what settings to use?
All that information is built into the software of the Mphi laser. There are pre-set treatment parameters for a wide range of common conditions from TMD to mouth ulcers. In addition, the LCD touch screen presents animated graphics that indicate treatment points for the laser. Up to an additional 30 pre-sets treatments can be entered for instant recall.
My practice is mainly restorative, what would I use the MLS laser for?
The MLS laser is ideally suited for use in any aspect of your practice that would benefit from reducing swelling, pain and inflammation in your patients. This can be for patients presenting with acute pain or to prevent or reduce pain and swelling after various types of treatment. It is also useful in promoting healing after treatment.
- For post surgery or extractions or Root Canal Treatment apply the laser to the site, post treatment, to reduce post-operative pain and promote healing
- For gingivitis and periodontal disease apply the laser to the site, post treatment, to reduce post-operative pain and promote healing
- Toothache – synergy with LA when anaesthesia won’t work due to inflammation
- MLS® therapy can be used to produce analgesia for small tooth preparations and crown cementations reducing the use of local anaesthetic in these cases. It can also promote faster uptake and elimination of anaesthetic.
- The laser reduces pain and swelling after longer appointments. For example, it can be used in full mouth reconstructions to reduce postoperative sensitivity as well as to promote the production of secondary dentine in deep restorative situations.
- Also suitable for Oedema, haematoma, Hyperalgesia, Pericoronitis, Mucositis, Stomatitis. Dentinal hypersensitivity, Herpes simplex, Orthodontic movements and Bone healing after implants.
What are the Dental Applications?
MLS® Laser Therapy is an innovative therapeutic technique useful for treating:
- Inflammation that is common in patients with chronic pain,
- Muscular tension problems resulting from routine dental procedures that cause inflammation (extractions, root canal work, dental implants, orthodontics ),
- Post-surgery pain after interventions such as inserting dental implants, extractions and orthodontics.
• Joints diseases
• Muscle contractures
• Trigger Points
• Tension Induced Headache
• Vertigo
• Cervical Arthrosis
• Trigeminal Neuralgia
• Lingual Neuralgia• Oedema / haematoma
• Hyperalgesia
• Surgical wound/extraction
• Pericoronitis
• Mucositis and stomatitis
• Dentinal hypersensitivity
• Herpes simplex
• Orthodontic movements
• Bone healing after implants
• Gingivitis / Periodontitis
• Alveolar osteitis (alveolitis)
What are the therapeutic effects of the MLS laser?
- Reduction in oedema and inflammation
- Pain reduction through direct effect on tissues and the release of the body’s natural pain modifying chemicals, and indirectly through reducing oedema.
- Improved healing through cellular reproduction and growth.
- Stimulation of trigger points
What does the Software Interface look like?
The MLS® Laser has an advanced touch screen user interface that provides guided treatment with animated treatment guides for each procedure. Specific dental protocols are pre-set to take away the guesswork about clinical applications. The intuitive software streamlines treatment.
What education and marketing is provided?
The MLS® Laser is accompanied by a User’s Manual, and a Dental Laser Therapy Guide. 2.5 hours of training videos are included with every purchase. These videos show Dr Steven Olmos explain how to use the laser as well as providing information on laser safety and infection control guidelines. The education is supported further the following:
- Training through on-line videos.
- Assistance with installation and set-up.
- Ongoing instruction via video, PowerPoint, manuals, guides and updates.
- Marketing materials to promote the laser including images for your website, posters, and patient education materials.
What is the Warranty and Support?
MLS® Laser is supported by Digital Dental, the exclusive distributors in Australia.
The Laser comes with a 2-year full manufacturer’s warranty.
All service supported locally in Australia through Digital Dental.What Item Numbers can I use for Low Level Laser in Dental?
The ADA 11th Schedule came online on 1 April 2016. It now specifically includes an item number for Low Level Laser Therapy as well as an item number for adjunctive therapy.
945 Low level laser therapy – per visit.
Low level laser therapy (LLLT), also known as bio stimulation or PhotoBiomodulation, may be used for various dental applications
971 Adjunctive Physical Therapy for Temporomandibular Joint and Associated Structures – per visit.
Application of physical therapy such as heat, other radiation or ultrasonic therapy, usually in the region of the temporomandibular joint, as part of overall therapy of the temporomandibular joint and associated structures.Other Item Numbers to Consider
There are other item numbers that describe specific treatments depending on what the laser is used for. For example, if it was the sole thing used for treatment of periodontal infection then use that appropriate number for that (213 Treatment of acute periodontal infection – per visit).
986 Post-operative care not otherwise included
In normal circumstances, dentists provide post-operative care following dental treatment. However, where a patient requires unforeseen post-operative care or is seen by a dentist who did not provide the initial treatment, this item should be used.
986 covers non-routine postoperative care while treatment not elsewhere describedWhat Models are available?
Two Models of MLS® Dental Laser.
The Mphi D is portable. Battery included for mobility.
The Mphi D5 Multi Diode laser includes 2 lasers in one: portable laser plus trolley and extended arm for hands free treatment. Battery included for mobility.
The hand-held laser unit has a choice of interchangeable optics – the standard and the intra-oral. These both attach to the laser handpiece. Either can be used intra-orally. The intra-oral light guide is supplied as a standard attachment for Mphi D systems.
Get in touch to book a demonstration